- For the purpose of this Rental Agreement:
- THE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS LLC shall mean the Rental Company, its owners, officers, directors, and employees;
- Customer(s) shall mean Customers, guests/visitors of customer, and their agents, contractors and/or employees.
- Rental Agreement shall mean the itemized list of items contained in the electronic estimate or invoice emailed or faxed to the Customer, who by virtue of having signed the estimate or invoice, and/or paid an advance deposit or in full, expresses his or her agreement with the contents of the Estimate or Invoice.
- Rental Center shall mean THE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS LLC showroom or warehouse, or any other facility owned or leased by THE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS where the storage, maintenance or transfer of its equipment occurs.
In reference to leasing the rental item(s) / equipment described on the Rental Agreement, it is agreed as follows:
Customer will take all necessary precautions regarding the items rented, and protect all persons and property from injury or damage.
Customer agrees to hold THE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS LLC harmless from and against any and all liability, claims, judgments, attorneys’ fees and costs of every kind and nature, including, but not limited to, injuries or death to persons and damage of property, arising out of the use, maintenance– installation, operation, possession, ownership, or rental of the items rented, despite cause.
Customer is fully aware of and acknowledges that there is a risk of injury, death, or damage arising out of the use or operation of the items contained in the Rental Agreement and hereby elects to voluntarily enter into this Agreement and assume all of the aforementioned risks.
Customer agrees to release and discharge THE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS LLC from any and all responsibility or liability from such injury, death, or damage arising out of the use or operation of the rental items. Customer further agrees to waive, release and discharge any and all claims for injury, death, or damage against THE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS, which customer otherwise may be entitled to assert.
THE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS LLC agrees to reserve all items listed in the Rental Agreement on behalf of the Customer only after the following have been received from the customer.
- A non-refundable deposit equal to 50% of the total cost specified in the Rental Agreement (or a lesser amount determined at the sole discretion of EPR)
- A signed & dated copy of these Terms and Conditions; and
- A signed & dated rental agreement.
The remaining balance of the rental agreement must be paid prior to delivery, unless otherwise specified by THE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS LLC. If this obligation is not met, THE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS LLC reserves the right to either cancel the order without refunding the initial 50% deposit, or apply late payment charges.
Customer’s right to possession of the rental items:
- Is for a 24 hour period. (Unless specified otherwise) Equipment returned after 24 hours will be charged for an additional 24 hour rental period.
- Begins when the rental items leave the rental center in the care of the customer, or when the customer accepts and signs for the delivery of the rental items upon delivery.
- In the absence of the renter, the equipment may be signed for by an individual designated by the renter. This individual is automatically given the legal right by the renter to accept liability for the equipment on the renter’s behalf.
- The rental agreement terminates once THE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS LLC has inspected and regained possession of the rental equipment.
- Any extension of the agreement must be agreed upon by the party people event rentals LLC in writing.
- Title of the rental items shall, at all times, remain with THE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS LLC.
- Customer authorizes THE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS LLC to retake possession of the rental items without notice or legal process at any time, despite whether the equipment is on private property.
Customer will pay all collection fees, attorney’s fees, court costs, or any other expenses required to enforce the items and conditions of this contract IN Any law suits that may occur between THE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS LLC.
The Rental Agreement may be executed or delivered by fax, or other electronic means such as email. The Rental Agreement is valid whether properly signed by the Customer or not, so long as the Customer takes possession of the rental items. It is also valid if signed by another party signing on behalf of the Customer, in which case the signing party will sign their own name, and then print C/O (Care Of) “Ordering Party.”
THE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS LLC reserves the right to refuse to install or deliver rental equipment due to unsafe conditions or weather. If this occurs, Customer will be liable for a minimum of 50% of the total cost specified in the Rental Agreement. In the absence of unsafe weather or other conditions, THE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS will use all appropriate means and methods to secure the rental equipment for the safety of the Customer and the equipment.
THE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS is not responsible for underground utilities, and charges for time out, whether equipment is used or not. If permission is granted by the Customer to stake anything into the ground at their desired location, then it is the sole responsibility of the Customer to check for underground utilities and water mains.
All customers will provide a 50% NONREFUNDABLE DEPOSIT in order for THE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS to reserve their order.
- Customers who cancel their orders at any time after a deposit is provided WILL LOSE THEIR DEPOSIT regardless of their circumstances or reasons for cancellation.
- Adjustments to orders can be made until 3 (72 business hours) business days prior to delivery (except for specialty items – see below). However, any such adjustments shall not reduce the total price of the invoice below the amount of the NON-REFUNDABLE 50% DEPOSIT.
- Specialty items include specialty cut linens, and items that require THE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS to manufacture, sub-rent, or purchase equipment. Specialty items are non-refundable once they have been ordered by THE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS LLC,or manufacturing of such items has begun.
- Canopies & heaters must be canceled at least 7 days prior to delivery/pickup, but any such adjustments shall not reduce the total price of the invoice below the amount of the NON-REFUNDABLE 50% DEPOSIT.
- Customers may pay C.O.D., but once the rental agreement is signed, the customer guarantees payment for the equipment reserved
- THE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS will reserve will call/pickup orders only if a rental agreement and this document have been signed. If the customer fails to pick up their will call order on the specified date, then THE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS LLC may re-rent the equipment; or if the equipment goes unrented, thenTHE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS MAY STILL COLLECT A MINIMUM OF 50% FROM THE CUSTOMER.
- Responsibility for customer-pickup rental items remains with the customer from time the items leave the Rental Center until the time they are returned.
- The Customer is responsible for loading, unloading, and securing items within his or her vehicle as well as for any damage that they may suffer during those operations.
- THE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS will assist the customer in loading, but will not be held liable for traffic accidents or damages to vehicles or rental equipment in transit due to improper loading.
- Items returned after the return date specified in the Rental Agreement will incur additional fees to be determined by THE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS LLC.
- Minimum delivery charges are based on 1-4 hour delivery windows with “non-same-day” pickups. Same-day and/or late evening pickups can be arranged for additional charges.
- Customers must be present for their entire delivery window. THE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS LLC will grant a 15 minute waiting period, after which the customer will be charged for waiting time up to $120.00 per hour billed in 5 minute increments.
- Orders will be delivered only if the cost of the items rented, excluding delivery fees and labor, is at least $50.
- THE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS offers setup/breakdown services of equipment for additional charges.
- “Curbside delivery,” is defined as:
- Delivery to a ground level location on a flat, hard surface, within twenty five (25) feet of the nearest loading area with no steps or obstructions.
- THE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS LLC will stack items neatly and securely with reasonable access for the Customer; Tables and chairs are opened, cleaned, and set up at location. Chairs and tables may be moved by customer at their discretion. However, customer must use caution and care when moving rental equipment and do not drag or push item(s) to avoid damage to legs, caps or stands. A two person lift and move option would be best.
- All equipment must be made ready for pick up by the Customer in same manner in which it was delivered;
- There will be a minimum two hour window for both delivery and pickup (unless otherwise arranged in writing with THE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS LLC).
THE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS LLC may assess additional charges at a rate of up to $120 per hour when delivery conditions cause THE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS LLC to incur additional labor costs, including, but not limited to:
- deliveries impeded by stairs, elevators, steep or uneven surfaces, standing water, mud, or soft surfaces like sand loose gravel;
- deliveries that involve waiting times of more than 15 minutes;
- customer requires a precise (to within 15 minutes) delivery or pickup time;
- last-minute or rush deliveries or pickups; and/or
- Inaccurate delivery locations or directions supplied by the Customer.
- Chairs and tables can be set up and arranged to the Customer’s predetermined specification for a charge. Setup is mandatory, and carries separate setup charges, for some items, such as: Chiavari chairs, dance floors, stages and canopies. If setup is requested, then THE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS LLC will perform one (1) setup. After the initial setup is completed, then THE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS LLC may opt to apply the aforementioned excessive labor charges, or they may opt to leave the premises without performing additional labor.
- If the renter is not available, then THE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS LLC may opt to either setup in a manner deemed appropriate by our staff, or we may opt to leave the equipment curbside. In such instances, no refunds will be given, and the customer accepts liability for any losses and damages that may happen to equipment left unsupervised for any reason, including acts of God or nature.
All china and flatware must be rinsed reasonably free of any food debris. If the Customer fails to do so, then THE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS LLC will charge an additional $0.25 cents per piece to be deducted from the security bond. Additionally, Customer is responsible for any loss or damage to rental items regardless of cause or fault, including acts of God, and THE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS LLC has 72 hours after retaking or receiving possession of rented merchandise to assess its condition and determine whether damage occurred while it was in the possession of the renter.
In such instances, unless the items in question are covered by a damage waiver, the Customer agrees to pay THE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS LLC for:
- All labor costs associated with repair and/or attempted repair of damaged equipment
- Replacement equipment (if necessary)
- Replacement of equipment directly related to the normal quality and functionality of the damaged equipment
- All shipping or delivery fees associated with the replacement or repair of damaged equipment.
An 10% charge will be applied to all rental items to cover the cost of normal cleaning and maintenance. This does not cover LOSSES, THEFT OR DISAPPEARANCE OF EQUIPMENT
DUE TO CUSTOMER NEGLIGENCE. Broken items must be returned in their broken state or they will be considered stolen. Replacement of lost or damaged items is chargeable in addition to the damage waiver charge.
- THE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS LLC provides free on-site estimates whenever possible.
- Planning and measuring is ultimately the responsibility of the Customer. If poor planning leads to improperly measured areas for placement of canopies, stages, dance floors, etc. resulting in our inability to complete a job, then no refunds will be given and full payment will be made to THE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS LLC by the Customer.
- THE PARTY PEOLE EVENT RENTALS will not be held liable for any planning not performed by our staff.
- The Customer is responsible for locating and pointing out any underground utilities, such as water mains, and gas, electrical, and sewage lines.
THE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS LLC may offer discounts at its sole discretion. Any violation by the customer of THE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS LLC rental contract or Terms and Conditions, including violation of payment terms, will make such discounts null and void.
Any and all rules and regulations governing an event site must be provided in writing to THE PARTY PEOPLE EVENT RENTALS LLC prior to the delivery of rental equipment. All fines incurred as a result of non-disclosure of such regulations are the responsibility of the customer.
Please list any rules or regulations that EPR must follow during delivery, setup or removal of rental equipment as put forth by the owners or designated managers of the event location.